Sunday, March 30, 2014

Day 1 - Getting my Life in Order

Why do I feel so bound up inside?  So locked up?  It is taking a toll on my energy.  I have felt so "sluggish" for months now.  I've been spending way too much time on the internet when I'm home and not enough time doing the things that need done.  Meanwhile things just keep piling up.  Have you ever been in that situation?  Have you ever felt like life was just passing you by?  It seems like all of my goals and dreams have come to a halt.  I've lost desire to even plan.  You see, I used to be on top of it all.  I started my day with my "to do" list and had to have everything in order.  Everything in my house was in order, until a year ago.  I don't know what changed, but all of the sudden, I just got into a slump and have stayed there.  I looked out into our summer room and it looks like I could be featured in an episode of "Hoarders".  Well, maybe not quite that bad, but things have just been piling up out there throughout the winter and it's looking pretty sad right now.  I've always been involved in yardsaling, e-baying and at one time I even had a shop, so I have more than the average joe.  Today I've been giving myself a pep talk, trying to psych myself up to get started.  Fly Lady would be saddened to see the state of my summer room.  I have felt the need to document the challenge before me.  Maybe to hold myself accountable to someone.  So bare with me as I share a journey into getting my life back in order.  Let the fun begin.  First off, I started filling boxes for our Community yard sale next month.  It's time to just let go.  Now to stay on track.  I'm one of those people that multi-tasks and that is something I know that I need to changed.  Because it breaks my focus.  Break time's over.  Time to get back to work.  I'd love to hear your comments.

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