Sunday, October 16, 2011

Saving the Best for Last

And now to tell you about one of my new business ventures. For quite sometime I've been wanting to turn my cleaning business into a "green cleaning" business. I've been searching for the exact product that I felt would be good. I found an awesome company with awesome products. My kit arrived on Tuesday and I think I cleaned everything in the house in just half the time that it normally takes me. The main attraction is the cleaning clay. I just love, love, love it!!!! It just cleans just about everything. A friend of mine had a pan that she had used everything on to try to remove the very sticky label from the bottom. She couldn't use it on her glass top stove until the label was off. I told her about the clay and we applied it to the bottom of the pan. With just a few rubs and swipes, it came clean. It does wonders not only on pots and pans, but kitchen sinks as well. It just shines them up instantly. It's becoming a "hot seller" for me. Here's my website
if you'd like to check it out for yourself. You can order online and they deliver to your house.

Setting up Shop

I was just so excited to get my stuff in the shop. I didn't take time to "fluff" it up, but that's on my "to do list" for the next week. I'm going to try to get it tweaked so it looks cool.

Hidden Treasures

I found these little gems tucked away in one of the shoppes we went in while on our road trip last week.

A Busy Week Indeed

Wow! Where has the time gone? It's been quite some time since my last post. It has been a very active fall. I started out last month getting my Grandmother relocated from one place to the next. From there, I had some canning to finish up as well as getting my gardens ready for winter. I still have to complete that project as of yet. I thought I would get that done last week, but last week was crazier than the whole month of September put together. It started out last Sunday when we took our bikes for a spin on the bike trail. The colors and temps have just been so pleasant for this time of year. We rode fourteen miles. I was wondering if I'd survive, but the longer I rode, the better I felt. I was hoping to get back out on the trail today, but the weather is not cooperating. And then on Tuesday, my business kit arrived. I am so excited to share it with you, but I will save that for another post. On Wednesday, we had another beautiful day, so my son and I took a road trip. I talked him into stopping at a few antique shoppes while we were out and about. I was so excited to find one that was taking venders, that I signed on as a vender. Why do I try to do so many big things at once? It took two days just to inventory and clean up my stuff, but it's now in the shoppe! I just need to find a few things to fluff the booth up and tweak it. It's so exciting to do this once again. I thought I'd share some pix of our bike trip and our road trip.